Here are some frequently asked questions (and their answers) about Ayam
(last revision: 2. Jan 2025):
- 1.1 Where can I download BMRT?
I do not know. Really. Try your favourite search engine
with the obvious search terms.
- 1.2 Where can I learn more about RenderMan, download
shaders, or learn how to write shaders?
Just browse to
The RenderMan Repository
on http://www.renderman.org/
which is maintained by Tal Lancaster and has much information
on RenderMan, many shaders, and links.
The original resource is now unfortunately offline, try your luck with the Internet Archive copy from 12. Dec 2011.
You might also want to try some courses in
The RenderMan Academy.
The original resource is now unfortunately offline, try your luck with the Internet Archive copy from 19. Dec 2007.
- 1.3 How do I create a CSG model?
Just create a Level object of appropriate type
(Union, Difference, or
Intersection) and place the objects that you want to combine with
this CSG operation in this level.
- 1.4 How do I create a Sweep? My Sweep is always
Make sure, that the cross section curve (the first child
of the
Sweep object) is defined in the XZ-plane (a standard circular curve
as created by the toolbox is in the XY-plane, and thus needs to be
rotated by 90 degrees around the Y-axis).
The documentation of the Sweep object also contains a
mini tutorial on how to create a sweep.
- 1.5 How do I create a reflecting material?
How do I change the reflectivity of a material?
You simply need to use an appropriate surface shader,
e.g. "shiny" from "BMRT2.6b".
Those shaders usually have parameters to adapt the reflectivity.
Note that since those shaders often use the optional shading language
function "trace()", they may not work with every renderer (so called
scanline renderers need to create reflections using reflection
maps instead). Check the documentation of your renderer!
- 1.6 How do I create shadows?
This depends on your renderer. They either create raytraced
shadows (like e.g. BMRT) or use so called "shadow maps" (like e.g. Aqsis).
For BMRT, it is sufficient to switch on the "Shadows" attribute of the
light object (plus, since BMRT 2.6, the object onto which the shadow is
cast must have atleast the "matte" surface shader assigned, which
is guaranteed by Ayam unless you switched the default material to "none").
For other renderers, consult the respective documentation of the renderer!
If your renderer creates shadows by "shadow maps", follow these
in the Ayam documentation.
- 1.6.1 How do I map images onto objects?
You simply need to use an appropriate surface shader
that uses the
shading language function "texture()". Those shaders usually have a
parameter for an image file, where you may specify a TIFF image file
to be mapped onto the object. An example is "paintedplastic"
from "BMRT2.6b".
- 1.7 Ayam does not find my renderer (rgl/rendrib),
how do I set this up?
You need to make sure, that your renderer (rgl/rendrib) is
in your executable
search path (the executable search path is usally stored in the environment
variable "PATH"). If you e.g. installed BMRT in "/usr/local/bmrt", add
"/usr/local/bmrt/bin" to your search path. The installation instructions
of the renderer normally contain further help on how to modify the executable
search path and make other adjustments needed (e.g. to the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable).
From Ayam you can easily check the setting of environment variables
(as seen by Ayam) by typing "parray env" (without "") in the console window.
You can also immediately try to start renderers from here, just type
e.g. "exec rgl" (without "").
As general rule of thumb, remember: if you can start the renderer from
a shell, Ayam will find it too.
- 1.8 How do I actually get a rendered image file (a TIFF
or JPEG) out of Ayam?
Since Ayam 1.12, there is a render to file
feature (see the view menu).
The other route is to:
- Export the scene to a RIB file (e.g. using the main menu entry
"File/Export/RenderMan RIB") and
- render this file using a RenderMan compliant renderer, e.g.
if you use BMRT, type
» rendrib <ribfile>
into a shell (substituting <ribfile> with the file name of
the RIB).
You can also use the Ayam console for this, just type
» exec rendrib <ribfile>
into the Ayam console. The latter has the advantage,
that you do not explicitly have to open a shell. Furthermore, you are
immediately in the right directory and the environment variable SHADERS
is set up correctly. However, Ayam is completely blocked while rendering.
After rendering there should be a TIFF image file on your disk which
may be processed further, e.g. converted to JPEG etc.
- 1.9 How do I set up Ayam to scan my shaders?
In short: load a shader parsing plugin, adapt the
"Shaders" preference
setting, press the "Scan Shaders" button in the preferences.
See also the file "Setup.txt" (for UNIX) or "SetupWin32.htm" (for Windows)
in your Ayam directory.
In addition, the Ayam documentation has a
section about shader parsing plugins.
See also the next question.
- 1.10 How do I load a plugin? I always get some Tcl
error message.
Use the main menu entry "File/Load Plugin", select the
appropriate file (plugins usually have the file name extension ".so"
on UNIX and ".dll" on Windows), then press the "Ok" button.
If loading of a plugin via "File/Load Plugin" fails, make sure that:
- the corresponding Tcl script is in the same directory as the
shared object,
- UNIX: your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable contains the path
of the plugin or ".",
- UNIX: if you use a self compiled binary built with gcc,
you added "-rdynamic" to the EXLDFLAGS for compilation,
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH contain the paths of additional libraries
wanted by the plugin.
Since a plugin may be dynamically linked with other libraries,
the paths to those libraries also have to be included in your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (on UNIX)
or in your PATH environment variable (on Windows).
On UNIX, try
» ldd <plugin>.so
in your shell to check, whether the
plugin is dynamically linked with other libraries.
On MacOSX, use
» otool -L <plugin>.so
On Win32, check the file SetupWin32.htm for
information on additionally required libraries or use "depends.exe".
Note that some UNIX operating systems offer additional ways of managing
library search paths, e.g. on Linux you can also use the configuration
file "/etc/ld.so.conf" and the ldconfig tool (if you are root).
- 1.11 My shader parsing plugin does not work at all;
are there known incompatibilities?
Yes, there are some versions of renderers with broken or
incompatible shader parsing libraries:
Since (including) version 1.0.0b, the 3Delight shader parsing plugin
does not work anymore on Linux. Private communication with the 3Delight
author(s) revealed, that 3Delight is compiled with Intels "icc", which
may result in "libc" incompatibilities leading to crashes;
if you have "icc" on your system, please try to compile
Ayam and the ayslo3d plugin with it, and report, whether this fixes
Update: 3Delight 8.5 shader parsing works again (in Ayam 1.16).
Aqsis 0.7.4 and 0.7.5 libslxargs seems to be broken (0.7.3 works ok and the
authors are informed of this).
Aqsis 0.7.6 through 0.7.8 libslxargs ignore the last element of the shader
search path; if you have just one element, Ayam will not find a single
shader. Solution: always add an ":." to your shader search path.
Aqsis 0.7.9 and 0.7.12 seem to work ok completely.
The interface of Aqsis 0.7.19 libslxargs changed in some incompatible
way, so that the Ayam 1.5 (and below) shader parsing plugin will not
work with Aqsis 0.7.19 and up.
The interface of Aqsis 0.9.3 libslxargs again changed in some incompatible
way, so that the Ayam 1.8 (and below) shader parsing plugin will not
work with Aqsis 0.9.3 (and up) compiled shaders.
The interface of Aqsis 1.2 libslxargs again changed in some incompatible
way, so that the Ayam 1.13 (and below) shader parsing plugin will not
work with Aqsis 1.2 (and up).
The interface of Aqsis 1.6 libslxargs again changed in some incompatible
way, so that the Ayam 1.16 (and below) shader parsing plugin will not
work with Aqsis 1.6
(see also
the Aqsis forum
for details).
Note that the latter two incompatibilities only hurt you, if you are
compiling Ayam and the shader parsing plugin from source. The Aqsis
shader parsing plugin distributed with the official Ayam binaries can
indeed parse shaders compiled with Aqsis from version 1.0.1 to 1.6.
Pixie 1.3.3 shader parsing on Win32 only works, when the shader search
path contains just a single element.
To parse BMRT/slc compiled shaders with the ayslc plugin on Win32,
all ".intelnt.slc" files may need to be removed.
Some renderers (e.g. 3Delight) distribute wrong or old compiled shaders that
may not be parsed with the corresponding shader parsing plugin unless the
shaders are recompiled from source with the shader compiler of the
renderer distribution.
Ayam may even crash while scanning for shaders if this is the case.
To debug this situation, start with a single shader directory with one
compiled shader. Then add shaders until it crashes again. Also, take a look
at time stamps and magic bytes at the start of the compiled shader files.
Do not trust the compiled shaders distributed with a renderer, always
compile everything from source!
As last resort, if you cannot get the shader parsing plugins to work,
see also the question 3.7 How can I use Ayam with a different renderer....
- 1.12 How do I change the keyboard shortcut for the
Alt-rotate view-action?
- Open your ayamrc file in a text editor while Ayam is not running.
- Look for, and change the following lines:
set ayviewshortcuts(RotModKey) {Alt_L}
set ayviewshortcuts(RotMod) {Alt}
to e.g.:
set ayviewshortcuts(RotModKey) {Control_L}
set ayviewshortcuts(RotMod) {Control}
- Start Ayam.
Now you can rotate your views with the Control-key held down, instead
of the default setting using the Alt-key.
See the manual page of the Tk bind command for a number of possible
settings (modifiers) for RotMod and e.g. the output of "xev" or "xkeycaps"
for the keysym associated with this modifier key.
Remember to always change both settings and to put the modifier into RotMod
and the keysym into RotModKey (hence the naming of those options).
- 1.13 Where is the PDF version of the Ayam documentation?
The PDF version of the Ayam documentation is distributed
with every release archive in the "doc" folder.
- 1.14 Is feature X available on platform Y?
While the Ayam core functionality (modelling, RIB export) is
available everywhere, functionality that is realized through plugins
is not available on every platform. This is mainly due to deficiencies in
operating system implementations and limited availability of third party
The following table gives a short overview over the features that are
not available on every platform.
Feature |
Win32 |
Win64 |
Linux |
Mac OS X (X11 |
Mac OS X (Aqua) |
Generic UNIX4 |
CSG Preview |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No1 | No2 | No3 | Yes |
No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
JavaScript Interpreter |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | ? |
Aqsis Shader Parsing |
Yes | No5 | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Pixie Shader Parsing |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | ? |
PRMan Shader Parsing |
Yes | No5 | Yes | No5 | No5 | Yes | No |
RDC Shader Parsing |
Yes | No5 | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
BMRT Shader Parsing |
Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Gelato Shader Parsing |
Yes | No5 | Yes | No | No | No | No |
1 GLX implementation does not support PBuffers extension.
2 RenderTexture is not available for Mac OS X Aqua.
3 Could not compile OpenCSG (C++ compiler too old;
might work with gcc>3.0 or MIPSPro>7.2).
4 e.g. FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris
5 Could work, but the Ayam team has no access to the relevant
link libraries on that platform.
- 1.15 After upgrading Ayam the new keyboard shortcuts do not work as documented?
This is because the upgrade process is not changing
your "ayamrc" file,
which holds all keyboard shortcuts. Your options are
- to reset this file completely via the main menu entry
"Special/Reset Preferences" (the easy way; not
recommended since you lose all preferences) or
- to reset this file partially; type into
the Ayam console:
» unset aymainshortcuts then
» unset ayviewshortcuts
then restart Ayam.
- 3.1 I cannot render anything, all I get is
some Tcl error message?
If the error message is
"Error: couldn't duplicate input handle: bad file number",
please try to start Ayam via the provided batch file "ayam.bat".
- 3.2 When loading scene files, I get an error message.
Is this a bug in Ayam?
This issue should be resolved since Ayam 1.8.
When the error message is "Error: can't read "type": no such variable"
you were probably using a double-click to select the scene file and
start loading it.
This, unfortunately, does not work due to a bug in the Windows file
requester. If this happens to you, you need to restart Ayam and
please remember to always use the "Ok"-button in the file requester on Windows.
See also this Tcl-Wiki page for a more
complete discussion.
This issue should be resolved since Ayam 1.8.
- 3.3 I have set up the BMRT Shaders correctly, but
Ayam still does not scan them?
Please remove all "<shadername>.intelnt.slc" files
from your shader path(s).
- 3.4 Where is the RRIB-Plugin?
Since Ayam 1.12, there is full plugin support and
the RIB import plugin available also on the Win32 platform.
- 3.5 How do I compile Ayam on Windows; are there any
project files?
Since Ayam 1.10, there is a complete workspace for Visual
C++ 2005 Express available for download.
- 3.6 Where can I get a "cat.exe" for the RenderGUI
A working "cat.exe" is available from
the UnxUtils project
on SourceForge.
Since Ayam 1.7 a "cat.exe" is distributed with Ayam.
- 3.7 How can I use Ayam with a renderer without
working shader parsing plugin?
You simply have to compile all your shaders with two
shader compilers:
- the shader compiler from a renderer where shader parsing works
- the shader compiler of the renderer you use.
Then use the first set of shaders with the shader parsing plugin
that works in Ayam but render with the other set of shaders.
The Ayam distribution contains a Makefile (in "ayam/scn/shaders") that shows
how this can be set up without much hassle.
- 3.8 Ayam is not drawing the selection rectangle!
What can I do about this?
Download and install the latest OpenGL drivers for your
graphics card.
If it still does not work, you can also try to put the "opengl.dll" file
from "opengl95.exe" into the "bin" directory of Ayam (this is where the file
"ayam.exe" is located).
Yes, unfortunately, you will then lose hardware acceleration in Ayam.
But this is not too bad if your machine is moderately fast.
- 3.9 I cannot see any plugins (DLL files) when I try to
load them via "Load Plugin".
The Windows file requester does not show any DLL files
unless the
folder option "hide system files" is switched off in
the explorer preferences (WinXP: "Tools/Folder Options/View").
- 3.10 I cannot select font description files from
"c:\winnt\fonts" for the Text object.
This issue should be resolved since Ayam 1.33, which simply
uses a different file requester.
The Windows file requester does not show font description file names from
the directory "c:\winnt\fonts" but only font names. Ayam can not use these
font names but only font description file names. Consequently, you need to
copy the corresponding font description file (e.g. "arial.ttf") to a
different directory on your disk to select it using the file requester or
enter the path and filename manually into the entry field in the Text
object property.
- 3.11 Ayam 1.14 (and up) do not start on Windows XP.
Just download and install
or the .Net framework in version 2.0 (or newer).
For Ayam 1.16 (and up) you need this version of
See this
webpage for a detailed description of the problems related to
deploying executables on Windows XP.
- 4.1 Rendering from Ayam leaves many zombie processes
around, how do I get rid of them?
Make sure you set "-DAYENABLEWAIT" in your CFLAGS for
compilation (the official Linux binary is compiled this way) and
set the preference variable ayprefs(Wait) to "waitPid" in your ayamrc
- 4.2 I cannot see the control points of NURBS curves to
edit them, even though the right modelling action ("Edit Points") is
This is probably caused by a broken OpenGL implementation.
Bad OpenGL implementations known are: Mesa DRI for a range of
graphics cards with ATI chipsets (vendor: VA Linux Systems, Inc),
and Mesa 4.0.4.
Mesa 5.0 and 5.0.1 are known to work. To resolve this, install
a recent Mesa in the system or install it somewhere else and point Ayam
to it via LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or compile it statically (make linux-static)
and re-compile Ayam with this static OpenGL library (adapt GLINCDIR
and GLLIBS in the Ayam Makefile).
Yes, unfortunately, you will then lose hardware acceleration in Ayam.
But this is not too bad if your machine is moderately fast.
You may also try to change the preference setting "Modeling/HandleSize".
Some OpenGL implementations just allow point sizes of 5 at maximum.
- 4.3 The "Edit Points" and "Tag (Select) Points"
modelling actions do not work, I can click on points but nothing
See the question above. Alternatively, if it does not
work when you zoom in to your models, check and decrease the preference setting
- 4.4 Ayam looks strange on my desktop, with black, thick
scrollbars and buttons. How can I change this?
Your Linux distribution probably defines some evil X
resources that make the
scrollbars (or other GUI elements) look black and thick. To cure this
search for "Xresource" or "Xdefaults" files in your home directory,
"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11", and "/etc/X11" and its sub directories and see if
you find lines like:
"*ScrollBar*Foreground: black" or "*ForeGround: Black" in those files.
Comment out those lines using an exclamation mark ("!") as first character.
Note that you may need to restart the X server to let these changes
take effect.
- 4.5 The AutoFocus feature does not work? What can I
Some recent versions of kwm (the KDE window manager) do
not allow
applications to manage the focus on their own, thus AutoFocus does not
work. You can check this easily by typing
» toplevel .tw; focus .tw into the Ayam console.
If the focus does not change to the new empty window you are out of luck
and your options are to switch to a different window manager or to enable
auto focus in the window manager configuration.
- 4.6 How can I set a good looking font in Ayam?
For Ayam versions that use Tk8.4: Add the following to your ~/.Xresources file:
Ayam*Font: 7x14
Instead of 7x14, you can of course pick any font that appeals to you.
You may derive available font names using "xfontsel".
For Ayam versions that use Tk8.5: as the automatic font selection may pick a
font occupying too much vertical space, one can use something along the
lines of the following script snippet, which gives
acceptable results on newer Debian distributions (>10):
font conf TkTextFont -family sans
font conf TkMenuFont -family sans
font conf TkDefaultFont -family sans
- 4.7 The official Ayam executable does not start. How can I make it run?
If the error message is
No resource found
while executing
"error $msg"
invoked from within
"if {[catch {::wrap::source ayam.tcl} msg]} {
error $msg
the Ayam executable was stripped. Do not strip the Ayam executable.
- 4.8 The repairAyam.tcl script fails to send itself to Ayam. How can I make it work?
If the error message is
X server insecure (must use xauth-style authorization); command ignored
check with the command
» xhost
whether there are foreign hosts allowed to connect to your X server. If
there are any, you are really running a insecure setup and the complaint
is valid. But if the output contains just a single entry, i.e. looks like this:
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
where username is your user name, you can make the repairAyam.tcl script
work by issuing the command
» xhost -SI:localuser:username
again substituting username with your user name.
- 7.1 Ayam does not remember my preference settings.
This only applies to the X11 version!
Please use "Ctrl+q" to quit Ayam and not "Apple+q".
- 7.2 Box objects are drawn in wireframe.
Box objects may be drawn in wireframe mode (instead of
being shaded)
when NURBS patches also exist in the scene. This is a bug in Apple
OpenGL that has been reported on 13. Jan 2006. Since their first
reply to the bug report was on 9. Jun 2006, extrapolating from this speed,
I expect them to acknowledge the bug in December 2006, fix it to June 2007,
and roll the bug fix out to customers in December 2007. Happy waiting.
Meanwhile, a workaround has been found and implemented that will be
available for Ayam 1.11.
This story found a very embarrassing ending, as the bug was silently
removed from the bug database after a demonstrating program was
provided that took me 30min to create. You think I will ever report
another bug?
- 7.3 AutoFocus does not work in Aqua?
Yes and it will never work and you should be glad about
it, because
if it would work and you would browse from the main window to the
menu bar over a view window, you would never be able to access the
main menu bar, because AutoFocus would change the main menu bar
immediately to the view menu bar...
- 7.4 Ayam can not start Safari to show the documentation?
When Safari does not start, most probably the preference
"Main/Docs" is pointing to a non existing file. Correct this using
the preferences editor and it should work again.
- 7.5 How do I disable the splash screen?
Open the Ayam.app directory in the Finder using the context
browse to "Ayam.app/Contents";
Double click on the "Info.plist" file. Search for the "LSEnvironment"
dictionary, open it and set the value of the "AYNOSPLASH" key to 1.
Save the Info.plist file.
- 8.1 When will you implement feature X?
Probably never! You should consider contribution.
See also Question 8.3.
The documentation also lists
numerous ways of contribution.
See also the following questions.
- 8.2 I would like to contribute, how do I? Do you accept
You are very welcome to send me your patches against the
for review and later inclusion.
How do you get the Mercurial-Tip? Here is a small
guide on how to work with the Ayam
Mercurial repository.
When writing or changing code,
please follow the guidelines in the file "ayam/src/Ayam-codingstyle.txt".
In order to avoid conflicts (e.g. double work), the
feature request tracker on SourceForge
is used for coordination of the development.
- 8.3 I would like to contribute, but I am no
This is really not a problem at all. There are many things
that you can do. You could e.g.
- translate the documentation (for that, check out the
"docs" module from the Ayam Mercurial repository),
- translate the balloon help texts (see "ayam/src/tcl/ms.tcl"),
- draw new icons (Many functions of Ayam are just accessible via
main menu and not via toolbox, because there are no icons for them!),
- create example objects, scenes, or images,
- write or translate tutorials,
- if you are on Linux/ix86: run Ayam with
execute your favourite modelling actions, and report your findings,
- "Baby-Hackers" may e.g. improve the source code documentation by
converting it to a
Doxygen compatible
- etc. pp.; your own ideas here.
- 8.4 I think I found a bug. How do I submit a bug
You are very welcome to submit bug reports. Please
follow the steps
below to report bugs:
- Make sure that the bug is not already reported (see the
bug database).
- Collect all necessary information to describe and reproduce the bug:
- describe what you were trying to do and what went wrong,
- versions (of your operating system, Ayam, Tcl/Tk, OpenGL, renderers etc.;
you may derive much of this information easily from the Ayam about requester),
- error messages from the console/log file(s),
- your ayamrc file (if helpful to reproduce the bug),
- scene file(s) (if helpful to reproduce the bug).
- Not mandatory: Verify the presence of the problem on different platforms
and verify rendering problems with different renderers.
- Not mandatory: Create a work-around and/or a patch
that fixes the bug based on the Mercurial-Tip.
- Send the bug report
- to the
bug database (if you are
sure about it),
- to the
public forum (if you are not that sure) or
- just send mail instead.
Use only one of these three options!
If you posted to the bug database, please monitor the entry you made for
about a week for possible questions or comments by the person who tries to
reproduce/fix the bug. Note that monitoring will be easier if you do not
post anonymously, because you will receive email on your SF account
if the item (bug report, feature request) is touched.
Furthermore, there are some Windows specific issues, that are not bugs
in Ayam itself, so please do not report one of the following known issues:
- Win98: the grid menu is not drawn completely (Tk vs. Win98 problem),
- Win98: Ayam does not scan shaders, if intelnt.slc-files are present
(libslcargs vs. Win98 problem),
- WinNT: "ayam.bat" does not work correctly, it is not possible to inherit
the value of "AYAMRC" to Ayam (WinNT "security" policy problem),
- Win2000: the RenderGUI progress meter does not update correctly
until the window is manually activated once (Tcl/Tk vs. Win2000 problem),
- Win2000: Ayam can not execute other programs (e.g. renderers) if ayam.exe
is started directly and not via ayam.bat (Tcl vs. Win2000 problem),
- Win2000/XP: Menu entries with check marks are not drawn correctly until
the mouse pointer is moved over the menu entry (Tk vs. Win2000/XP problem),
the menu problems partially go away if you disable the menu animations
(transition effects) on your desktop,
- all Windows systems: Ayam immediately crashes if NURBS patches with
invalid trimcurves are drawn using GLU (bug in Microsoft glu32.dll).
- Win2000 (depending on graphics card, OpenGL driver version):
opening view windows takes a long time (>1s) if the user is not
Please verify the presence of those problems on Win95/WinME/WinXP
and mail me your results.
If you find a bug in the Mercurial-Tip of Ayam
that is not present in the current official release, please, do not
enter it to the bug tracking system, but rather send e-mail or post into
the public forum.
- 8.5 How do I check out the Ayam sources from the Mercurial
This question is answered in a separate document.
- 8.6 Is there documentation on the Ayam scene file
format? How can I parse this format?
There is no documentation on the .ay file format. It is merely a
serialization of the internal Ayam object structure as laid out in the
file ayam.h.
The Ayam team recommends against trying to convert .ay-files directly.
Instead, write (better) import filters for one of the export file formats
of Ayam (RIB, MF3D (Apple), 3DM (Rhino), Wavefront OBJ, X3D) for your target
system, or write a new export plugin for Ayam, obvious targets are
- 9.1 How do I compile Ayam? I typed "make" but just got
There are extensive compilation instructions in the file "ayam/src/INSTALL",
please read it.
- 9.2 My self compiled Ayam crashes when I try to open a
view window.
Please read the compilation instructions (file "ayam/src/INSTALL") more
carefully and use the correct version of the Tcl/Tk sources to compile Ayam.
- 9.3 Can I use plugins from the official binary
distribution with my self compiled executables?
Yes, as long as the major version numbers of Ayam (e.g. "1.3") and
Tcl/Tk are matching. If you use the sources from the
Mercurial repository, you can simply check out
a version with matching release tag to be on the safe side.
- 9.4 I get Tcl errors when I try to drag and drop objects
in the object tree widget. Is this a bug in Ayam?
This issue should be resolved since Ayam 1.5.
This is not really a bug. Ayam (V1.4 and below) requests to load the
BWidgets package without specifying an exact version. Unfortunately,
newer BWidget versions than 1.2.1, which is distributed with Ayam, seem
to have changed in incompatible ways which leads to Tcl errors while
doing drag and drop. The newer versions of BWidgets may get loaded into
Ayam in favour of BWidgets 1.2.1, if they are installed in your system.
An easy fix for this is, consequently, to deinstall the newer BWidgets
package, if no other of your Tcl/Tk applications depends on it.
You can also change the package loading code in tree.tcl to
"package require -exact BWidgets 1.2.1" .
This issue should be resolved since Ayam 1.5.
- 9.5 How can I compile Ayam with Tcl/Tk 8.4.x?
The C-interface of Tcl/Tk changed in incompatible ways between versions
8.3.x and 8.4.x, so that Ayam will not compile cleanly unless you add
"-DUSE_NON_CONST" to the CFLAGS variable in the Ayam Makefile.
Please see this Tcl-Wiki page
for more background information.
- 9.6 How do I compile a shader parsing plugin?
Compiling shader parsing plugins is much easier since Ayam 1.11.
The only prerequisite besides the renderer are the Tcl headers
in the right version (the version Ayam uses). To compile a shader
parsing plugin download and unpack the matching Tcl sources and run
configure first.
Then do:
» cd ayam/src/plugins
» g++ aySSS.cpp -o aySSS.o -I.. -Ipath-to-renderer-headers -Ipath-to-tcl-headers
» g++ -shared aySSS.o -o aySSS.so -Lpath-to-renderer-libs -lrenderer-lib
substituting SSS with the shader file name extension, e.g. so for RDC,
slc for BMRT, slx for Aqsis etc.
For example:
» g++ ayslc.c -o ayslc.o -I.. -I../../BMRT2.6/include -I../../../tcl8.4.18/generic -I../../../tcl8.4.18/unix
» g++ -shared ayslc.o -o ayslc.so -L../../../BMRT2.6/lib -lslcargs
builds the ayslc.so plugin to scan BMRT compiled shaders.
top of page
Randolf Schultz, 10. Oct 2020