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22. Dec 2011

News from the CVS-Head:
To comfortably manipulate the multiplicity of NURBS curve control points there are now two modelling actions that increase/decrease the multiplicity of all tagged/selected points:


11. Jun 2011

News from the CVS-Head:
A new object type IPatch for direct work with interpolating surfaces is now available:


16. May 2011

The first hotfix for Ayam 1.19 is now available for download, it fixes some problems with dynamic property GUIs (e.g. shaders).

16. Mar 2011

New release Ayam 1.19 is now available for download, see also the complete list of changes.

15. Mar 2011

The ohloh badge on the Ayam home page now displays more correct data as MF3D, libsub, BWidgets and tkwidget code was excluded from the analysis, leading to massive drop in the LOC count.

The Ayam 1.19 release is imminent. As this release will contain a major change in the way rational coordinates are represented internally (from homogeneous to euclidean), developers should immediately download and test the CVS-Head.


8. Mar 2011

News from the CVS-Head:
The ExtrNC tool object now creates normals and stores them in a PV tag that the new 3DPVN mode of the OffsetNC tool object can use, in other words, there are now true 3D offset curves from extracted curves:


20. Feb 2011

News from the CVS-Head:
  • There is a new plugin named subdiv, that, with the help of the "Subdivide2.0" library by Biermann et.al., provides subdivision capabilities (Catmull-Clark and Loop) for the SDMesh object. Creases are currently not supported, but the original library has code for them.
  • Offset surfaces now support closed/periodic surfaces in any possible combination of open/closed/periodic for the U and V dimensions. Support for degenerate surfaces (e.g. surfaces with poles) is in the works.

3. Feb 2011

The first hotfix for Ayam 1.18.2 is now available for download, it fixes a nasty problem with the Add Bevel command entries.




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Randolf Schultz, 15. Nov 2014